Everything Food Receipes

Tomato soup with dumplings

paradicsomleves galuskával


  • half onion
  • (tomato) broth
  • celery leaves
  • one egg
  • 4-5 tablespoon flour
  • one tablespoon lard
  • one tablespoon sugar
  • some salt


Cut the half onion into small pieces and fry it a bit in lard.
Add one tablespoon flour and mix it with a cup of water and a cup of (tomato) broth.
Add some celery leaves and the rest of water and broth, depending on how much soup you want to make. Boil it for few minutes, then with a cold watered spoon, slowly put the dumplings into the soup. You can use rice instead of dumplings, but the dumpling soup tastes better. Season the soup with salt and sugar.

Dumplings: mix one egg with 3-4 tablespoons flour, so that the mixture is not too hard

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