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Strange duality in Trascau Valley

10 Facts about duality found in Coltesti and Rimetea
Zoltan Horvath, teacher at Bethlen Gábor Kollege in Aiud, was the first to observe this curios duality in the surrounding nature, in the history of the area and in the behaviour of the villagers.

Trascau Valley is bounded by 2 mountains that have approximately the same altitude: Sekler’s Stone (1128 m) and Ardascheia/Ordáskő (1200m)


In Trascau Valley there are 2 villages with hungarian ethnic population (Coltesti and Rimetea) and 2 villages with romanian ethnic population (Valisoara and Izvoarele)


Trascau Valley lays between 2 counties: the southern part is in Alba county and the northern part in Cluj county (old Turda-Aries seat).
Throughout history, Trascau Valley belonged either to one or another, depending on political issues.


Trascau Valley is bordered by 2 gorges: Valisoara Gorge on south and Buru Gorge on north.


All the rivers from Trascau Valley flow into the 2 big hydrographic areas: Mures and Aries.


The population from Rimetea was formed by 2 ethnics: hungarian and german.


Rimetea and Coltesti had 2 fortresses: one on Sekler’s Stone (Seklers Fortress) and one near Coltesti (Trascaului Fortress).


Two greatest personalities of the transylvanian culture were born in this area: in Coltesti – Sámuel Brassai (1797/1800-1897), considered to be the last polyhistorian of Transylvania, and in Rimetea – János Kriza (1811- 1848), ethnographer and unitarian bishop.


The beautiful landscapes and the unique folk art from Rimetea and Coltesti were depicted by 2 artists: Albert Vass and Amália Dóczy Berde.


Even the sun rises twice here!
The fenomenon is possible due to the particular shape of Sekler’s Stone and can be better seen in summer, from the Lower Square in Rimetea.

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